If you have faced Korg champion in the Alliance War, then you already know how annoying he could be if you don’t know the right method to fight. So We are going to discuss the challenges and the solutions to make the fight easier.
What are the Challenges or Problems to fight Korg
- If you hit Korg with Medium, Special, or Heavy attack while the Rock Shield is active, you receive physical damage that depends on the amount of signature Korg has. If Korg is not duped, ignore this.
- Korg becomes unblockable and unstoppable for 2 secs if the Crowd excitement reaches 6. We will discuss this later how to avoid this.
- Special 1 is unblockable if Crowd excitement is greater than 1 and Passive evades doesn’t work. So even Stark or Spiderman will not evade this attack itself.
- Hitting Korg’s block gives him 1 crowd excitement for each hit if Rock Shield is active.
- Korg may shrug off debuffs if the Rock Shield is active. The possibility of shrug off increases depending on signatures.
What are the Best Counters for Korg That Don’t Take Thorn Damage?
- Omega Red: Best for Korg
- Iron Man Infinity War: Start with a Medium and end with Light. This way you take no thorn damage.
- Magneto
- Dormammu
Use a Champ that Regenerates Health
If you don’t have above-mentioned champs, use a champ that regenerates to recover lost health, like Blade, Ghost Rider, X23.
Or Use a champ with Ability Accuracy
You can also use a champion that reduces the abi1lity of Korg. There are some champs that can help, like Corvus Glaive, Black Widow etc..
How to avoid giving more Crowd Excitement to Korg?
- Never hit Korg’s block if Rock Shield is active
- Never Let Korg use Special 3, else he will gain 9 Crowd Excitement and that would make him unblockable and unstoppable
- Use a champion that does physical damage only. That means you should avoid applying debuffs
- Use Special Attack when Korg’s Rock Shield is shattered that will happen as you keep hitting
- Do not use Special and Heavy Attack when Korg’s Rock Shield is active. You should also avoid using Medium attack when Rock Shield is active but that is kind of a tough thing to figure out as the first attack is usually medium when you swipe. We will see this in a video what can be done
- Remove Dexterity Mastery while fighting Korg if you really suck at fighting him. So if you dash back it will not trigger dexterity and Korg will not get Crowd Excitement Charge. When dexterity is enabled, each dash back increases the crowd excitement by 3. So Dashing back 2 times mean making the Korg Unblockable and Unstoppable. So removing dexterity will make your life a lot easier while fighting Korg. (There are a couple of solution with dexterity enabled that you will see in the videos below).
- Evading heavy attacks and Special Attacks will not increase crowd excitement. So feel free to do that.
Fight 5-star R5 Korg with 2-Star Star-Lord While Dexterity is Enabled
Tip: Evade Korg’s Basic Attack when he is a little far and it will not give him Crowd Excitement Charge, but it will take lots of practice. Wait for Korg to dash in (dash to you), and take a step back (one dash back), and then hit. Use Light Attack if rock shield is active, but it also depends on the champion you are using. If a champion goes far from the range with one dash back, then the light attack is not possible, and in this case, you will have to take damage using the medium attack. Here is the video demo.
Fighting Korg Without Dexterity Mastery. 2 Ways to Fight
If you have some more tips, feel free to share… We would love to add them to this content.
January 6, 2019 @ 7:48 am
1 If you can parry him, parry then use 5 light attacks. Repeat until his rock shield is shattered then go to town. 2. Use Magneto. 3. Use Omega Red.